Wednesday, July 10, 2013

NT Day 6: Gabriel Barkay

Streets are Empty this hour Sunday Morning
This morning I decided to attend the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in the heart of the old city. As most of the shops were closed in the morning, it made navigating the streets a bit tricky, as I am still not familiar with street names but rather by landmarks and shops! We made it to the Lutheran church only a few minutes behind. The service was quite liturgical – a whole lot more than the Anglican Church. I was surprised by their accomodating communion – whether you were a dipper, communal sipper, private drinker with wine or grape juice – they had you covered. The only problem was that I could not tell the difference between the wine and grape juice. Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe … with the instantaneous burning sensation, I realized I grabbed the wrong one. One of the gentleman in our group needed to exchange some money into shekels before heading to Galilee in the morning, so we stopped by to see our friend Shavan. While there, he was alerted that the taxman was coming. All of a sudden, the stores started pulling their stuff inside and locking their doors! Too comical!! On our way back, we slipped back into the church of the holy sepulcher where the Greek Orthodox were concluding their service. We were able to slip into the orthodox chapel for a few more picture shots before heading back to campus.

In the afternoon, archeologist Gabriel Barkay gave a two hour lecture on the significance of Jerusalem and a few of his archeological findings. Quite an impressive man! Again, like Rabbi Moshe, Dr. Barkay has a great respect and knowledge of Christianity, but not a believer Himself. In the minds of many, Jesus is a good Rabbi – even the best – but not divine. Following the lecture, we headed up to the Wrights home for a reception. I took the remainder of the evening to walk the perimeter of the old city. I headed down into the Hinnom Valley, back up the Kidron, and around to Absalom's Pillar and Zedekiah's Tomb – both of which are elaborate tombs from the first century. Beyond this, there was not much too see until Herod's Gate on the north end of the city. 

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

Belly-Button of the Universe in the Eastern Orthodox Chapel in the Church
of the Holy Sepulchre

Ceiling in the chapel of the Eastern Orthodox Chapel

Eastern Orthodox Chapel 

Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Dr. Gabriel Barkay - one of the leading archaeologist

With Dr. Barkay :)

Reception with the Wrights

Walking down the Hinnom Valley

Park by the Hinnom Valley

Walking past south side of the temple mount

Archaeology dig south of the temple mount

Mount of Olives

Looking down the Kidron Valley

Looking down toward the tombs in the Kidron Valley

Absalom's Pillar - although it has nothing to do with
David's son - just a fancy tomb in the first century. 

Looking down the Kidron

Inside one of the tombs

Zachariah's Tomb - another first century tomb

Jehoshaphat's Cave - a first century tomb

Looking up toward the Golden Gate

The Church of All Nations at the Garden of Gethsemane 

The Lion's Gate

On the Northeast Corner of the old city

Herod's Gate

The "back door" ;)

Gordon's Golgotha 

Looking acoss the street to the old city walls

Path down toward Zion Gate

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